Our services.
SEMG Biofeedback
Surface electromyography (SEMG)-assisted biofeedback is a form of treatment for patients who suffer from incontinence, GI conditions with coordination dysfunctions, and Pain/tension issues. SEMG-assisted biofeedback is a non-invasive treatment to assist patient’s awareness and monitor progress.
Strengthening, Coordination, & Relaxation of PFM
Depending on a patient’s Pelvic floor musculature evaluation to determine tone, muscle length, flexibility, strength and coordination; a plan of care is designed for them. Sometimes Kegel’s are not the answer.
Stretching of PFM and hip/pelvis/back musculature
The PFM can be stretched internally and externally with focus as well, on the surrounding tissues of the hip/pelvis and back musculature.
Dilator training for PFM releases for pain, mobility and flexibility issues
Speciality training for proper use of dilator for PFM releases with hands-on guidance and care.
Education on bowel and bladder healthy habits
Education is key for establishing healthy bladder habits, restoring normal function and creating balance.
Voiding schedules and bladder diaries
Setting up voiding schedules and using bladder diaries to work on urinary urgency and frequency.
Exercise, fitness and dietary instructions
Whole body exercise programs and education on fitness and dietary instructions to assist in healing.
Pilates Reformer exercises
Access to a Pilates Reformer to work on alignment and core stabilization to assist the Pelvic floor.
Core and hip Stabilization exercises
Focus on establishing the core after pregnancy, surgeries or injuries to better align the pelvis for support.