Our services.

  • SEMG Biofeedback

    Surface electromyography (SEMG)-assisted biofeedback is a form of treatment for patients who suffer from incontinence, GI conditions with coordination dysfunctions, and Pain/tension issues. SEMG-assisted biofeedback is a non-invasive treatment to assist patient’s awareness and monitor progress.

  • Strengthening, Coordination, & Relaxation of PFM

    Depending on a patient’s Pelvic floor musculature evaluation to determine tone, muscle length, flexibility, strength and coordination; a plan of care is designed for them. Sometimes Kegel’s are not the answer.

  • Stretching of PFM and hip/pelvis/back musculature

    The PFM can be stretched internally and externally with focus as well, on the surrounding tissues of the hip/pelvis and back musculature.

  • Dilator training for PFM releases for pain, mobility and flexibility issues

    Speciality training for proper use of dilator for PFM releases with hands-on guidance and care.

  • Education on bowel and bladder healthy habits

    Education is key for establishing healthy bladder habits, restoring normal function and creating balance.

  • Voiding schedules and bladder diaries

    Setting up voiding schedules and using bladder diaries to work on urinary urgency and frequency.

  • Exercise, fitness and dietary instructions

    Whole body exercise programs and education on fitness and dietary instructions to assist in healing.

  • Pilates Reformer exercises

    Access to a Pilates Reformer to work on alignment and core stabilization to assist the Pelvic floor.

  • Core and hip Stabilization exercises

    Focus on establishing the core after pregnancy, surgeries or injuries to better align the pelvis for support.